Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more and book here.
Promo code BODYLOVE for $20 off your first appointment.
These little beings we grow birth the next rendition of us, just as much as we birth them into flesh, and nurturing ourselves during this process changes everything when it comes to our experience of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
Women are steeped in the message that pregnancy is uncomfortable, a burden, and that your body will be changed forever more in a negative way. Women are prepared to dread birth and are instilled with a readiness to get it over with — all without the emphasis on the miraculous nature of conceiving, gestating, and birthing consciousness into flesh, and all without reverence for the female body and its miraculous nature.
Having said this, just because there is wild beauty, and wild potential to tap into tenderness, and power we don’t yet know — this doesn’t mean we all get to have our dream birth, that our pregnancy will finish into full term, or that there will be no struggles or dark nights of the soul along the way, but we get to learn how to be in the uncontrollable process, do what we can, and be lead by our bodies, our hearts, and our babies. As we birth anything, there are things left behind, there are contractions, death, and growth, and nurturing this inevitable transmutation is part of the process.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more & book here.
There is so much cultural emphasis on preparing the baby room, getting all the things ready for birth, and for when baby comes that we often forget to stay deeply present in our body beforehand, nourishing this otherworldly process of growing a human inside of our wombs.
Our presence during our pregnancy has a profound impact on not only our experience of being pregnant, but it impacts our birth and postpartum experience. It impacts baby as well. Baby is intrinsically bound to the state of our nervous system, our mental and physical state, and our emotions. This is not to invoke any sense of guilt, pregnancy is unquestionably a wild ride and will invoke all the feels that have every right to be leaned into and felt. I express the impact we have on baby with no intent of pressure to ‘do it perfect’, or to stress that we are not good enough, this is to emphasize the impact and power of tending yourself before baby arrives.
I love working with women during pregnancy because it’s a chance to drop into the preciousness of what is happening and into one’s body’s innate wisdom. It’s a chance to rewrite the shadows of the common collective story of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum into one that feels exciting, powerful, and full of magic, and possibility instead of fear, angst, and burden.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more & book a session here.
What is the difference between regular and prenatal massage in Portland, Oregon with Abby?
Many people ask what the difference is between regular massage and prenatal massage. Prenatal massage treatments are just like a traditional massage, except that they typically include a lot of pillows and props, and are catered to your needs and comfort with great awareness of certain contraindications, as well as common discomforts and symptoms that arise during pregnancy. These sessions are also given with deep reverence for the mother and baby. I offer light abdominal massage in the second, and third trimesters upon request to support your pelvis, and body’s balance, as well as baby’s comfort, and I am used to working with common prenatal discomforts.
Prenatal massage is safe at any time during pregnancy.
Prenatal massage is safe at any time during pregnancy, but it makes some people nervous to receive during the first trimester. If you have had trouble getting pregnant, struggled with miscarriages, or infertility, or are left feeling nervous, or anxious for any reason, I encourage you to honor your reservations and recommend the support of acupuncture. Acupuncture is greatly supportive physically for all pregnancies, but especially if you’ve had experiences of miscarriages or struggles with fertility. It will support mama and baby on all levels and is a great bridge if you would like to pause or wait on bodywork in those early days. My personal experience of acupuncture in my first trimester (though I received it throughout my whole pregnancy) was profound. I experienced some cramping and spotting in early weeks, and acupuncture stopped it immediately, it settled nausea when it was too much, and it also reinvoked nausea when it completely dissipated alongside the cramping and spotting I was struggling with. And last but not least, it was a great support for my energy in those fatigued and exhausted early days.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more & book a session here.
I saw Regenia at Blue Turtle Acupuncture, as well as Sabrina Rem — both amazing practitioners with loads of knowledge, huge hearts, and a warm, nurturing presence. I also worked professionally with Alyssa Schaffer for years and have had many prenatal shared clients rave about her.
Getting regular prenatal treatments whether massage or acupunctur is invaluable in your experience of being pregnant. The more you can nourish yourself and your body, it will directly impact your experience of pregnancy, birth, and those early postpartum days. Don’t wait to get prenatal massage until you are in pain, it’s preventive and supports your body to recalibrate to the drastic physical changes of your hormones, energy, posture, and musculoskeletal load as you grow baby.
How often should you get prenatal massage?
Abby recommends getting treatments at the very least monthly but every other week if possible, and weekly if you are in a lot of pain, or you are in the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. You cannot get too much prenatal massage, or any massage for that matter ever. You can get massages as often as you desire, but Abby cannot recommend enough to get monthly treatments at a minimum to avoid a negative experience in your body. After working with prenatal clients for a number of years, and after having a baby herself these are the recommendations that have had the best outcome. Too many times, she sees clients who come in at the very end of pregnancy, and not that it doesn’t help to receive a treatment once off — but it’s a lot more challenging to unwind the issue completely and get you prepared and ready to go into birth largely pain-free.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more & book a session here.
You can also mix and match treatments. Acupuncture and massage are Abby’s highest recommendations — you can rotate back and forth and mix and match in a way that feels good for you. If something more structural is going on and feels persistent Abby recommends chiropractic but only from practitioners who specialize and have a lot of experience working with pregnant bodies. She recommends Megan Bodnar at Jewell Chiropractic in NE Portland. Abby saw her personally when needed during her pregnancy, and worked with her professionally for years sharing clients who couldn’t say enough good things about her. Becky Higginson is also fabulous — she ran the Mama’s clinic I worked at for years before opening my own practice and Becky is now running a small solo practice in Lake Oswego, Oregon specializing in TMJ but has years of experience and a love for working with Mama’s.
You get to make your prenatal self-care plan your own.
Life is hectic as is, especially if this is not your first babe and you already have your hands full with an infant, toddlers, teenagers, sleepless nights, work, a partnership, etc. Money, time, energy, and childcare can all come into play when designing a prenatal self-care plan that works for you. I recommend the ideal bodywork self-care plan in everything above, but there is no shame in owning your reality and doing what you can.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more & book a session here.
The Downdog prenatal app was a lifesaver for me — it’s something like $7 a month and you can do a 7-minute practice or an hour plus and select what trimester you’re in, all your prenatal aches and pain, labor prep, etc. This was a great bridge between outreaching care. There’s a fine line between surrendering to your capacity, and the remembrance that the more you nourish your musculoskeletal body, and your nervous system, and take the time for yourself during this sacred time the more nourished and resourced you will be for birth and postpartum.
Going into birth or the early postpartum window on empty will dramatically affect your capacity physically, mentally, and emotionally in one of the highest demanding times of our lives. Do what you can, and at the very least offer presence to your body, heart, and baby periodically throughout the day, and this in itself will work wonders.
It’s also helpful to plan ahead of time for care in the postpartum period. This too, you get to make your own. Postpartum treatments are all about tending your comfort, tenderness, and particular needs after giving birth. There is often a lack of sleep, your body will be sore from birth, adapting to holding baby, and again, the more support you can get, the better your body, nervous system, and mental and emotional health will be able to adapt.
Womb healing, or abdominal massage can be integrated in 6-12 weeks after birth, and if for any reason you end up getting a cesarean section, you can get cesarea section scar tissue treatments starting at 12 weeks.
Please note, I am located on the second story of the Li Wellness building in NE Portland, and the second level is only accessible by stairs — if this is a struggle for you, reach out and I will be happy to offer referrals.
Prenatal Massage in Portland, Oregon — learn more & book here.
Lastly — if you have any questions at all, whether about treatments or would like specific referrals don’t hesitate to reach out.
Cheers to you and baby + use coupon code BODYLOVE for $20 off your first appointment. <3
With love,